5 tips for easy wedding group photographs

wedding group photographs advice

1. I recommend choosing a list of about 8-10 different wedding group photographs that includes close family on each side and the wedding party. Each image takes a few minutes and that can add up quickly! 

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wedding group photographs advice

2. I’ll have a copy of your groups list on the day but despite my best efforts I won’t always know who everybody is.. it’s always helpful if you can assign someone who knows who most people are and is able to help me gather groups. Prepping them with a copy of the list is great so they can make sure key people don’t wander off! A Toastmaster can help with this too!

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3. Remember to leave enough time for your group shots and couple portraits between the ceremony and sitting down for your wedding breakfast – this is especially important if you’re having a ceremony later in the day – an October 4pm ceremony will leave limited daylight for getting outside to take photographs. 

wedding group photographs advice

4. If there’s somewhere at the venue you’d specifically like to do your group shots I’ll do my absolute best to make that work – normally I’ll be looking for somewhere that’s got a lovely backdrop and great lighting without having the sun in everyones eyes! Our ever unpredictable British weather sometimes means we might end up indoors so I’ll look for a wet weather option too. 

wedding group photographs advice
Malcesine wedding group

5. Lastly .. Have your best smiles ready and your drinks nearby – I’ll do my best to move things along as quickly as possible so you can get back to the celebrations! 

wedding group photographs advice


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