Getting the best wedding prep photographs

A few quick tips on how to get the best wedding prep photos ahead of your big day!

Wedding morning images are some of my favourite to photograph – lots of excitement, some nerves, I love getting to know everyone in the morning and spending that amazing time with my couples pre-wedding! You might be wondering if there’s anything you can do to make the most of those morning photographs so here are some top bits of advice from me!

best wedding prep photos
best wedding prep photos

Try and choose a room with as much space as you can and lots of natural light to get ready in (hair and makeup will thank you for this too) and keep bags & cases to a minimum or out of the way. This room at Pendrell Hall is perfect!

best wedding prep photos
wedding details

Have your details – shoes, jewellery, perfume, flowers and anything else special to you – ready and I’ll get started on photographing those when I arrive. 

best wedding prep photos
bridal portraits

Things tend to get a little busy in that last hour so allowing a little extra time means we can get some lovely portraits and last minute touchups without feeling rushed.

best wedding prep photos
father reveal

Let me know if you’d like a reveal or first look with your parents or bridal party so I can make sure I’m in the best spot to catch reactions!

I hope that helps with planning your morning to get the best wedding prep photos!


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